Lo que sobra
Damián Tabarovsky

ESSAY | 2023 | 112 pages

Throughout the 20th century, the aesthetic and political avant-garde movements dreamed of centering what was left over—remains, waste, urinals—but also the proletariat, the marginalized. Today, under the regime of neoliberal accumulation, none of this happens anymore: that which is left over is left to its own devices. Alone. It isn’t even given a name. In the wake of Literatura de izquierda and Fantasma de la vanguardia, and also novels like El momento de la verdad, El amo bueno, and Una belleza vulgar, in Lo que sobra Damián Tabarovsky moves from literature to contemporary philosophy, from aesthetic theory to cultural criticism, in order to think about the risks of the academic avant-garde, the possibility of living through a covert civil war, the need for radical justice, and the possibilities of literature of art within this landscape. Lo que sobra is also a reflection of the very condition of the literary essay: on one hand, we have what we would call a primary text, and on the other hand, a notebook full of footnotes that dialogues with, contradicts, and argues with that very primary text.

RIGHTS: spanish MARDULCE | spanish (spain & mexico) CONSONNI


La lengua en el capitalismo
ESSAY, 2024
Lo que sobra
ESSAY, 2023
El momento de la verdad
NOVEL, 2022
El amo bueno NOVEL, 2016 Escritos de un insomne NON-FICTION, 2016 Una belleza vulgar NOVEL, 2011 Autobiografía médica NOVEL, 2007 La expectativa NOVEL, 2006 Literatura de izquierda NON FICTION, 2004 Las hernias NOVEL, 2005 Bingo NOVEL, 1997