La lengua en el capitalismo
Damián Tabarovsky

ESSAY | 2024 | 41 pages

“Is the language of capitalism the same as language in capitalism? Each one of these constructions defers to different strategies. While the figure of resistance emerges in the face of the language of capitalism, language in capitalism calls for yielding.” This is how this book begins, and the question moves toward the very conditions of the production of literature in modern society, which is the question of aesthetic discussions and the political and literary effects that these entail. To have discussions today —in the era of ‘joy’ on social media, where literature is only a source ‘joy’ because of aesthetics— feels exotic. However, these are crucial discussions that define the era and and the unthinkable.

La lengua en el capitalismo focuses on three moments —Robinson Crusoe, Bartelby, the Scrivener, and Ayer no te vi en Babilonia by Lobo Antunes— as ways to reflect on the tension between writing and capitalism. It is, therefore, a way to reopen debates that seem to have been settled, of critically rethinking our time.



La lengua en el capitalismo
ESSAY, 2024
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El momento de la verdad
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