Los mejores días
Magalí Etchebarne

SHORT STORIES | 2017 | 112 pages

With an uncommon poetic sensibility, Magalí Etchebarne’s stories put girls, teenagers, young or middle aged women, and lonely older women on the stage. Women that are at once defined as mothers, daughters, wives, or lovers. However, underneath the intimate spaces where her stories take place lies a wild energy that threatens to take down what is behind the curtain of domesticity: the flammable rawness of love.

From its publication in Argentina, Los mejores días has gone from being an open secret in the independent publishing circuit in her country to making Etchebarne the latest representative of a long tradition of masterful short story writers. In her stories, the voices of Aurora Venturini and Hebe Uhart resonate, as do the creative liberties of Clarice Lispector and the feminine universes of Alice Munro.

RIGHTS: spanish (argentina) TENEMOS LAS MÁQUINAS | spanish (spain) LAS AFUERAS

Magalí Etchebarne’s voice is absolutely different, fresh, but at the same time very careful and literary. She is able to tackle complex topics (...) with enormous intelligence, lots of humor, and above all with perfect pitch.
— Mariana Enríquez
This book has wise, sharp, and compassionate phrases, as though they were written with an instrument used to sculpt rustic parts of the world, and with the skill and decisiveness of someone able to turn them into beauty. This could be called magic—or alchemy—but it is pure talent.
— Margarita García Robayo
Textured, very well-worked prose at the service of the power of images that are able to simultaneously project characters and their environments on detours. (...) One of the best debuts I can recall in years.
— Andrés Neuman
The best prose I read this year. Precise, precious, sharp, and sexy.
— Marina Mariasch
Everything is on display, and yet the mystery remains.
— Alan Pauls
Etchebarne embodies the new Argentine short story.
— Gabriela Cabezón Cámara


La vida por delante
Cómo cocinar un lobo
POETRY, 2023
Los mejores días