La carne viva
Pablo Maurette
ESSAY | 2018 | 240 pages
With an erudite and entertaining tone that is absolutely exceptional, the author draws on classic texts—Judeo-Christian biblical references, Buddhist saints, Japanese aesthetes—and calls on history, medicine, and philosophy in order to point directly to one premise: fiction, and especially literary fiction, understood as incarnation.
The five essays in this book are based on the controversy surrounding the circumcision of Christ, the mystical experiences of Beguine Agnes Blannbekin, an investigation of Borges's blindness and his life made literature, the self-destruction present in Barón Biza's work, and cruelty in the time of an ancient Hindu emperor. They search for the common nucleus where pain becomes compassionate. A heart, beating in living flesh when in contact with things that are painful as well, will emerge as the affective and native home base for all artistic creation.
RIGHTS: spanish MARDULCE | spanish (spain & argentina) PARIPÉ BOOKS
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