Andrea Chapela
Andrea Chapela was born in Mexico City in 1990. She is the author of the YA Fantasy tetralogy Vâudïz (La heredera, El creador, La cuentista and El cuento, Ed. Urano, 2008-2015), the essay collection Grados de miopía (Tierra Adentro, 2019), and the short story collections Un año de servicio a la habitación (Ed. UDG, 2019) and Ansibles, perfiladores y otras máquinas de ingenio (Almadía, 2020). She studied Chemistry at UNAM, has a Creative Writing in Spanish MFA from the University of Iowa and a Ma in Japanese Literature from El Colegio de México.
In 2017, she participated in the Clarion West Writers Workshop for fantasy and science fiction. She has participated in readings and presentations of her work around Mexico, Spain, and the United States. She has received the National Gilberto Owen Literature Prize for Stories in 2018, the National Juan José Arreola Literature Prize in 2019, and the National Joven José Luis Martínez Essay Prize in 2019. She has been a FONCA scholar twice (2016-2017 for stories and 2019-2020 for novels) and a scholar at the Ayuntamiento de Madrid, forming part of the historic Residencia de Estudiantes for two years (2017-2019). Currently, she teaches workshops, language classes, and contributes to magazines like Este País, Literal Magazine, Vaso Cósmico, and Tierra Adentro. Her next novel is forthcoming in 2025 with Peguin Random House
“Andrea Chapela’s work is innovative and resounding. These are books in which science and literature merge together in a captivating way to offer stories where scientific knowledge and technology become mirrors that reveal the depths of the human soul.”
Todos los fines del mundo
Ansibles, perfiladores y otras máquinas de ingenio
Un año de servicio a la habitación
Grados de miopía
ESSAYS, 2019